Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Oyster Roast - By The Numbers

I now present to you The Contemporaries' Oyster Roast...By The Numbers

350 - Number of good looking, hard working, ready to party young professionals who attended

26 - Number of new memberships made in one night!

20 - Number of bushels of oysters steamed and quickly devoured

45 to 60 pounds - How much a bushel of oysters weighs (Did you already know that? I sure didn't. Had to Google that one!)

4 - People who commented on how funny I look in a ginormous pot (see previous post!)

3 - Hours of Art Partying!

1 - Number of oysters I ate. I tend to get really chatty at big events and not eat...Happen to anyone else?

And, now, some pictures:

Told you we were planning on a big crowd! Look at all those pots!

My mouth is literally watering as I look at this picture.

Crowd Picture. I'm not very tall so it's not a very good picture. Ah, well.

Hungry crowd! That guy in the green shirt really looks like he knows what he's doing, doesn't he?

Isn't the front of the museum pretty?

I'm not really sure why you would spray water on oysters. To clean them? Cool them off? Obviously I was not in charge of cooking.

The Beer Truck. That went home empty.

Our Youngest Contemporaries' Member. Cute, isn't he? Also sort of looks like the E*Trade baby. But where was that milk-aholic, Lindsay??

A pretty pink sunset over a really fun oyster roast!


Enjoying Art and Parties,

Mary Douglass
Columbia Contemporaries

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