Sunday, October 17, 2010

A New Web Home

Have you heard? The Contemporaries are getting a new home! Well, not a home per se. A new website. But you could make it your home page. So there's that.

Rumor has it that the website will go "live" this week!

{Um, what does that term even mean? What was it before it was "live?" Dead? Sleeping? Considering I am very tech-illiterate - I usually have more than 1 failed attempt to log in to blog each time -I'm guessing that some guy out there with a MacBook Pro could explain it. But, for now, I'll just go with it.}

So the new website is going to be resurrected, alive, whatever! I harassed the webmaster for a sneak peak and finally got the secret password to check it out early.

And let me tell you, it looks awesome!

Of course, I immediately searched for pictures of me. Sadly, there were none. I was, however, relieved to see that the picture of me in the giant oyster pot was not on the website. There are just some pictures that don't need to be repeated.

There is a link to the lil' ol' blog here, so that was pretty exciting.

But there is other great stuff that doesn't necessarily revolve around me.

There is a lot of great information on how to join, how to get involved, when the fun parties are, and what other cool stuff coming up. I got giddy reading that the Wine 101 class will be in January.

{At the wine series last year, there was an empty chair beside me, but they poured wine in those glasses anyways. Doubling up on my share of wine may not have been one of my best ideas ever, but it was most certainly fun!}

The Art Collecting 101 class looked pretty useful. Maybe someone could explain to me how to get started buying art. Without taking out a loan or looking like an idiot. {Although, the Contemporaries' Artist of the Year event always has a good selection of art. Maybe I should there... Debi Schadel, the chair of the event, throws a heck of a party so it'll be fun collecting art, too!}

Here's the link, just remember it's not "live" yet!

So, feel free to send me flowers, chocolate and money to bribe me for the password to get a sneak peek! Or, you know, just wait a couple days and see it then!

Enjoying Art and Parties,

Mary Douglass
Columbia Contemporaries

{And, yes, I had to Google "screenshot" to even figure out how to get that image! Somewhere my Computer Skills teacher from high school is shaking her head.}